Comet Siding Spring, Photometry references and NGC 7790 images for determining Transforms.

It is wet in Spain so I used T30 (at Siding Spring) in Australia today to image Comet Siding Spring.
On Tuesday last I imaged NGC 7790 which is one of the recommended star clusters for identifying the transformation coefficents for photometry specific to a telescope and photometric system. I have a number of references for photometry and variable stars being a member of the BAA Variable Star Section , the AAVSO and have the following books as references:
1. A Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Analysis by Brian D. Warner - you need to be careful there are two Brian Warners - both involved in photometry! (Neither is Marilyn Manson who is actually another Brian Warner) Published by Springer 2006
Brian has made a You Tube video explaining what he does.
2. David Levy's Guide to Variable Stars. David Levy 2005 Published by Cambridge University Press
I attended a talk by David some years ago which was very well received - this video is about him.
3. Understanding Variable Stars John R. Percy 2007 Cambridge University Press
Last year he won the AAVSO Education Prize.
4. Observing Variable Stars, Novae and Supernovae. Gerald North 2004 Cambridge University Press.
I came across this ebook by Gerald - I have the real thing in my astronomy library somewhere!
Back to NGC 7790. Here are the B and V images I obtained with my C14+SBIG
To be continued...