Setting up my CGEM Mount

I want to try out a different combination of my equipment using my SBIG camera with the 4 inch refractor.
I have disassembled the Paramount ME and C14 in anticipation of my return to the UK so have the SBIG available.
My CGEM is the "Classic" i.e. first version. The DX version is now available which is a beefier version with some of the little niggles resolved - for example the classic locking knobs are almost impossible to use without the aid of a wrench. The DX uses larger knobs and utilises leverage more effectively!
I set up the tripod first of all with the "North" peg roughly aligned with north.
I then added the mount head to the tripod, then added two counterbalancing weights.
I then slid the 4 inch OTA assembly into the Losmandy slot on the mount head.
I use a mains to 12V cigar lighter socket transformer to provide the power for the CGEM
I plug a 3 way adaptor into this so I can add further 12v inputs if required.
I need USB inputs to the SBIG Camera, the guiding camera and the CGEM mount.
I use a 30m active cable from my laptop to a USB 4 way hub and take feeds from here to the three USB inputs.
In the past I have used the CGEM mount with my 12 inch Meade OTA which theiretically is too heavy for the mount. I found that it worked very well.
More on the CGEM soon - to be continued.
Yesterday I imaged the Moon rising with my iPhone - the horizon effect made it seem huge - the image below does not - if you can spot it at all!
On 2nd November the moon was like this