Partial Eclipse Leyland 20th March 2015

The eclipse has been and gone. The weather could have been better - most of the eclipse had some cloud - but still a good one. I set up my old ETX90 with my Sony camera yesterday and all was well then I noticed late last night that there were some dust specks. I could see that they were actually on the chip and carefully tried to remove them - then accidentally tripped the shutter having forgotten to switch the camera off - the result a damaged shutter! I will try to repair it if possible - otherwise I think a professional repair bill will exceed the value of an ebay replacement!! This is a shame because I had just fathomed out a way of using my modified Canon 40D camera for astronomy with my Sony fit 500mm lens that I use with my Sony Alpha for wildlife photography - I didn't want to have to buy a Canon lens so was quite pleased with that. I can still do that but I thought I had a nice solution to both Astronomy and Wildlife imaging! These things happen rarely thank goodness. So this morning I had to set up the Canon camera with the ETX90. A major advantage of my ETX is that I can flip the mirror to an eyepiece view to centre the Sun (using a white light filter) then flip back to the camera. Having the "Live View " option is a big advantage as seen in the images below, however the screen on the Sony can be flipped at right angles to the normal position which saves having to crouch down behind the camera which I have to do on the Canon. The hard bit is finding the Sun in the first place.t
Having done that a roughly set up tripod gives very reasonable tracking. This is the sky before the eclipse stared.
Well - maybe I have darkened the sky a little! This is the setup:
I used a mains to 12V dc converter to power the dummy battery in the camera and the telescope to avoid having to worry about batteries going flat during the eclipse. You will see from above that I used an f/6.3 focal reducer to fit the Sun onto the camera screen.
I used SkyX software to let me see when the eclipse was due to start and how it was progressing.
The Canon camera worked well
This is the sequence of the eclipse from Leyland