The Moon on D-Day and my telescopes on 6th June this year.

On D Day 6th June 1944 it was important for the airborne landings that the were illuminated by non-artificial light to maintain secrecy and so a date was chosen on which the Moon was full. The 5th was the original choice but bad weather delayed the assault until the next day. I used the SkyX to illustrate the situation at midnight on the 5th/6th June 1944.
Back in 2014 a dull, cool and cloudy start to the day but it soon brightened and warmed up. Althought not fully organised yet I want to start to set up the Paramount Tripod today. It gets extremely windy up here - especially in the winter months. As I am here until the end of November I need to make sure that the tripod and mount are securely tied down. For that purpose I have brought with me some securing straps.
This is one set of four that I have brought with me.
I started to set up the telescope equipment as shown in the following images